I’ve been in the kitchen most of my life and pretty much enjoyed every minute of it.  I love good food, and entertaining….. that has ensured my place in the kitchen.  

I enjoy bringing people together and the contentment that sharing good food brings.  I have many memories of special celebrations and gatherings, sharing memories and laughs, and I believe good food brings this all together.  I always joke that the secret ingredient is “love” but its true, I do put my heart into what I plan and prepare. 

To combine my two passions, good food and special memories!! In times of great change, I’m drawn to how my ancestors lived through other times of change, and I’m working on a book that celebrates my mother’s story, along with sharing my families’ cherished recipes. If not written, it will likely be forgotten, and as I tell my mother’s story, I will continue to further connect to my ancestors and the telling of my own story.

I plan on releasing my first published book in December 2024, and currently participating in many online courses including: Three steps to completing your book this year, Getting Published: How to choose the right path, Family History and Genealogy with Library and Archives Canada; Blue Pencil sessions for editing, and finally a Book Consultation in March 2024.  Looking forward to connecting with you and seeing where this leads!

Pro Tip: The key to success is to create a habit. Set a time and place to write everyday and stick to it. If you feel really “stuck” one day, give yourself a single-day break from writing and think about your title, subtitle, and cover design instead. This is a great way to keep your head in the game while preserving your solid writing habits.

If you stick to this part of the plan, you’ll have over 300 pages complete by the end of July! Don’t edit the book as you go. For now, just get the words on the page.

Is writing a book on your list of goals? Now is the time to make your commitment—to not only writing but finishing your book in 2024. It will take time and planning. But here’s the big truth that often gets overlooked: If you wait for inspiration to strike, you may never get it started (let alone finished).

January—Make a detailed outline before you start writing. If you need help with this, I recommend ordering The Book You Were Born to Write by Kelly Notaras. She shows you how to prepare your outline and get the rest of your book written.

February to March—Write at least two pages every day that correspond with your outline. Remember, you don’t have to write your book in order. When you sit down to write each day, scan your outline for inspiration and write what feels right. Format a draft with the title of the work, with 7 pages written in Prose (the ordinary language people use in speaking or writing). Receive a free book consultation to provide further direction.

April to August—Write at least two pages every day that correspond with your outline. Edit your completed writing. First, read through your book and make adjustments, to ensure it flows. You may also consider hiring an editor to review your work or finding another third party to give you feedback. I attend Blue Pencil Sessions to receive private consultation in editing and discussing my project.

End of August—Decide how you’re going to publish your book. You may want to use a self-publisher, such as Balboa Press, or an online tool, such as Amazon’s KDP or Ingram Spark. If you have an established audience or platform, you can try a traditional publisher, but that’s a conversation for another time. Finalize these details so you can enjoy some time away.

September – Vacation to recharge and revitalize your energy.

October or November—Have your book interior designed and proofread.

December—With a physical copy of your book in hand, throw a publication party!